Urban Transitional Community

MicroShelters: Empowering Community Solutions to Homelessness


Single Unit MicroShelters.ca

What Sets MicroShelters Apart?

Safe, Secure & Stable

  • Replace dangerous and unplanned “tent communities”.
  • Fire and mold resistant.
  • Easily sanitized.
  • Opportunity for proper site management, security, and oversight.
  • Emergency preparedness: first aid kits, CO2 and smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and easy access points.


  • Centralized onsite social service client management.
  • Improved sanitation, safety, and climate controlled.
  • Support for couples and multi-generational.
  • Privacy and autonomy.
  • Basic needs fulfilled.


  • Minimize NIMBYism by having the ability to fold and move to new locations.
  • Easy portability: transportation and deployment.
  • Ease of assembly and disassembly: scalable communities.
  • Minimal land requirement.
  • Diverse applications: sporting events, construction, refugees, etc.

Cost Effective

  • Relieves downstream community strain.
  • Community ownership offers flexible alternative to hotel rentals, allowing for strategic deployment in response to various situations.
  • Fewer materials and less labor to deploy.
  • Efficient use of space.
  • Simplified maintenance.
  • Minimal infrastructure.

MicroShelters, an Indigenous-owned company, is committed to providing innovative solutions to the homelessness crisis, prioritizing respect and sustainability.

At the heart of our mission is community involvement, recognizing the importance of transitioning individuals from tent encampments to MicroShelters and eventually permanent housing.

MicroShelters offer a promising solution to address the pressing issue of homelessness in Canada. These small, private cabins or tiny homes provide a cost-effective and rapidly deployable form of transitional housing that can help get people off the streets and on a path towards more stable, long-term living arrangements.

One of the key benefits of MicroShelters is their affordability. These compact dwellings are much less expensive to construct than traditional affordable housing. This makes them a more viable option for communities and organizations looking to quickly expand their transitional housing capacity.

In addition to their cost-effectiveness, MicroShelters can also be assembled and installed in a matter of hours, allowing for a faster response to the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness. This rapid deployment capability is particularly valuable in addressing the urgent challenges posed by homelessness, especially during harsh winter months.

Importantly, MicroShelters are generally more appealing to those in need of housing compared to traditional congregate shelters. By offering more privacy, security, and autonomy, these tiny dwellings can provide a more dignified living experience and help foster a greater sense of stability and community.

While MicroShelters are not a permanent solution to homelessness, they can serve as an important transitional step in the journey towards more stable, long-term housing. By helping to stabilize individuals and connecting them with additional support services, these MicroShelters communities can play a valuable role in addressing the complex and multifaceted challenge of homelessness in Canada.

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