Special Events

MicroShelters can be used for special events:

  • Providing temporary accommodation
    House event staff, volunteers, or even attendees during special events, especially in areas where hotel rooms are limited or expensive.

  • Communications
    MicroShelters can be equipped with communication equipment and used as command centres for event organizers, security personnel, or emergency responders.
  •  Provide temporary office space for event organizers, sponsors, or media personnel during special events.
  • First aid stations or medical triage areas provide a secure and climate-controlled environment for medical personnel to treat attendees.
  • Serving as temporary storage
    MicroShelters can be used to securely store event equipment, supplies, or valuables during special events.

  • Serving as mobile concession stands
    MicroShelters can be outfitted with basic kitchen equipment and used as mobile concession stands or food service areas during special events.
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