WELCOME! MicroShelters, an Indigenous-owned company, is committed to providing innovative solutions to the homelessness crisis, prioritizing respect and sustainability.

At the heart of our mission is community involvement, recognizing the importance of transitioning individuals from tent encampments to MicroShelters and eventually permanent housing.

Our revolutionary approach centres around providing safe, dignified, versatile, and cost-effective alternatives for those experiencing homelessness.

MicroShelters stand out for our safety, security, and stability, replacing hazardous tent communities with fire and mold resistant shelters while offering the opportunity for proper site management and emergency preparedness.

The shelters ensure dignity through centralized social services, improved sanitation, and support for couples and multi-generational occupants, promoting privacy and autonomy. Versatility is key, with shelters designed to minimize opposition by easily relocating, being portable, scalable, and requiring minimal land, catering to diverse applications beyond homelessness.

Moreover, MicroShelters prove cost-effective, requiring fewer materials, less labor, efficient space utilization, simplified maintenance, minimal infrastructure, and ultimately relieve downstream community strain. In essence, MicroShelters offer a comprehensive transitional solution to homelessness, embodying safety, dignity, flexibility and affordability.



Our Solutions


Homeless & refugee housing support

Indigenous housing support

Modular Kitchen & Bathroom Units


Disaster Management

Special Events


Workforce Options

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